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Ich habe mich ein wenig mit "ChatGPT" (von OpenAI) über Kultur und Sagen unterhalten.
Neugierig wurde ich ob dem Chatbot auch SAGEN.at und Sagen in Österreich bekannt sind.

Einen Teil der erstaunlichen Plauderei habe ich kopiert, da mich das Monster vom Attersee erstaunt hat. Und natürlich wollte ich die Maschine mit der Frage nach Reisen etwas hinters Licht führen:

Chatbot: Austria has a rich cultural heritage and many legends and folktales have been passed down through generations. Here are some examples of Austrian legends:

The Legend of the Loch Ness Monster of Attersee: It is said that a giant monster lives in the depths of Lake Attersee, similar to the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. It is said that the monster is a friendly creature, but it is best not to disturb it.

The Legend of the White Horse of Wildon: The legend tells of a white horse that appears to travelers in the area of Wildon, in the Styria region, and leads them to safety.

The Legend of the Wulzenkönig: it's a legend that tells of a king who lived in the forest and punished those who were greedy or wasteful. He is said to appear as a wild boar, and is often associated with the winter solstice.

The Legend of the Perchten: According to the legend, the Perchten are wild, demonic creatures that roam the forests during the 12 nights of Christmas, between December 26 and January 6, in the alpine regions.

These are just a few examples of the many legends and folktales that are a part of Austria's cultural heritage.

WM: Do you know the website SAGEN.at?

Chatbot: I am not familiar with a specific website called SAGEN.at, but it could be a website that is dedicated to the collection and preservation of Austrian legends and folktales. Austria has a rich cultural heritage and many legends and folktales have been passed down through generations, and it's possible that the website you mentioned is a platform created to share and to document this cultural heritage for the general public, researchers, and enthusiasts.

WM: Yes, it is a website concerning legends and myths. And it has a large photo gallery as well.

Chatbot: I apologize for any confusion, I am a machine learning model and my knowledge cutoff is 2021. So, I cannot confirm if there is such website exist or not, but it's possible that SAGEN.at is indeed a website that collects and presents the Austrian legends, myths and folktales in a comprehensive and interactive way, with a large photo gallery to illustrate the stories and locations related to them. The website could also offer resources for researchers and educators, as well as information for tourists interested in learning more about Austria's cultural heritage.

WM: Have you ever been in Austria?

Chatbot: I am a machine learning model and do not have physical presence, so I cannot visit any place. However, I was trained on a diverse set of texts and I have knowledge about many places and cultures including Austria, I can provide you with information about Austria, its culture, landmarks and more.

WM: Training by traveling is another cool way of learning.

Chatbot: Indeed, traveling can be a great way to learn about different cultures, customs, and ways of life. It can also be an opportunity to experience new things and gain new perspectives. However, as a machine learning model, my "learning" process is different, I am trained on a dataset of text which is fed to me in order to learn language patterns and structure, in this way I can understand and respond to a wide range of questions and prompts.

Wolfgang (SAGEN.at)
Ich fand diesen Chat mit der KI unterhaltsam. Die Erwähnung vom Monster des Attersees (ein Roman von Kurt Palm) hat mich amüsiert 😀

Bei den von der KI erwähnten "White Horses" (deren Sage in Wildon ich leider nicht kenne), musste ich ganz spontan an Südengland denken, wo zahlreiche Steinsetzungen namens "White Horse" existieren. Manche sind wohl sehr alt, andere recht jung (ca 200 Jahre alt)

Ein Familienausflug zum Osmington White Horse in Weymouth (wir lebten damals in Südengland) ist eine meiner ganz frühesten Kindheitserinnerungen.
Hier mal ein paar Vorschläge der gestaltenden KI, wie die Frau Percht aussieht.
Die Wahl des Stils überliess ich dem Programm (style 'none'), weil das die grösste Vielfalt an Ergebnissen lieferte.

Erstellt mit https://nightcafe.studio/
damit spricht man tatsächlich (noch) am besten Englisch
Die Kenntnis alpiner oder europäischer Sagengestalten ist aber ziemlich mau.

und hier "Frau Percht erscheint in der letzten Raunacht" von der etwas leistungsstärkeren app https://labs.openai.com

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die Links sind für privat Interessierte, hätte ich dazuschreiben sollen.

Beide apps sind kostenlos, erstmal, zur sporadischen Nutzung.
Man braucht nur einen account, ein bestehender tuts auch (google etc.) und los gehts!
Mit nightstudio kann man sehr viel machen, bevor man credits kaufen muss und labs open.ai gibt jeden Monat automatisch credits aufs Konto.

Man darf nicht vergessen, dass die KI auch übers Nutzerverhalten lernt und über die schiere Masse, insofern besteht ein Interesse, dass das Angebot niederschwellig ist.
Ich habe mich ein wenig mit "ChatGPT" (von OpenAI) über Kultur und Sagen unterhalten.
Neugierig wurde ich ob dem Chatbot auch SAGEN.at und Sagen in Österreich bekannt sind.

Einen Teil der erstaunlichen Plauderei habe ich kopiert, da mich das Monster vom Attersee erstaunt hat. Und natürlich wollte ich die Maschine mit der Frage nach Reisen etwas hinters Licht führen:

Chatbot: Austria has a rich cultural heritage and many legends and folktales have been passed down through generations. Here are some examples of Austrian legends:

The Legend of the Loch Ness Monster of Attersee: It is said that a giant monster lives in the depths of Lake Attersee, similar to the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. It is said that the monster is a friendly creature, but it is best not to disturb it.

The Legend of the White Horse of Wildon: The legend tells of a white horse that appears to travelers in the area of Wildon, in the Styria region, and leads them to safety.

The Legend of the Wulzenkönig: it's a legend that tells of a king who lived in the forest and punished those who were greedy or wasteful. He is said to appear as a wild boar, and is often associated with the winter solstice.

The Legend of the Perchten: According to the legend, the Perchten are wild, demonic creatures that roam the forests during the 12 nights of Christmas, between December 26 and January 6, in the alpine regions.

These are just a few examples of the many legends and folktales that are a part of Austria's cultural heritage.

WM: Do you know the website SAGEN.at?

Chatbot: I am not familiar with a specific website called SAGEN.at, but it could be a website that is dedicated to the collection and preservation of Austrian legends and folktales. Austria has a rich cultural heritage and many legends and folktales have been passed down through generations, and it's possible that the website you mentioned is a platform created to share and to document this cultural heritage for the general public, researchers, and enthusiasts.

WM: Yes, it is a website concerning legends and myths. And it has a large photo gallery as well.

Chatbot: I apologize for any confusion, I am a machine learning model and my knowledge cutoff is 2021. So, I cannot confirm if there is such website exist or not, but it's possible that SAGEN.at is indeed a website that collects and presents the Austrian legends, myths and folktales in a comprehensive and interactive way, with a large photo gallery to illustrate the stories and locations related to them. The website could also offer resources for researchers and educators, as well as information for tourists interested in learning more about Austria's cultural heritage.

WM: Have you ever been in Austria?

Chatbot: I am a machine learning model and do not have physical presence, so I cannot visit any place. However, I was trained on a diverse set of texts and I have knowledge about many places and cultures including Austria, I can provide you with information about Austria, its culture, landmarks and more.

WM: Training by traveling is another cool way of learning.

Chatbot: Indeed, traveling can be a great way to learn about different cultures, customs, and ways of life. It can also be an opportunity to experience new things and gain new perspectives. However, as a machine learning model, my "learning" process is different, I am trained on a dataset of text which is fed to me in order to learn language patterns and structure, in this way I can understand and respond to a wide range of questions and prompts.

Wolfgang (SAGEN.at)
“Erst gestalten wir unsere Werkzeuge, dann gestalten sie uns” – John Culkin