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ferd.grega fotograf Stefaniestr. 7 wien


New member
Dear friends, I am looking for information about "Ferd.Grega fotograf , Stefaniestr. 7 Vienna
I found my great grand father photos from 1916, that was taken at this photographer shop, I wonder if someone took or continued this bussiness, and maybe kept the "ngatives" of old photos that were taken by Mr. Ferd Grega,
thanks in advance
M. Rotenberg
Dear Meyer1240,

all that is known about Ferdinand Grega is listed here in the list of historical photographers in Vienna:

Grega, Ferdinand (1866 - 1916)
opened his first studio in Vienna in the first half of the 1890s. Died in 1916, the studio was continued by his widow Antonie Grega until 1917. Kleine Sperlgasse 3 in the garden (around 1890), then Stefaniestrasse 7.
Example of work Female portrait
Example of work Gentleman's portrait with dog
Lit.: Starl 2005, 160.

It will be very hard to find what happened to the negatives after more than 100 years. In most cases the negatives are lost, maybe the district chronicler could know, but the chances are very slim.

Wolfgang (SAGEN.at)